Gramma's World

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I'm trying this again to try to keep in touch with friends & family. I now have 7 quilts in various stages of completion. I am finishing the binding on one I started at least 7 years ago. It kept being put on the back burner for things like the queen sized quilt I just finished for auction at my granddaughter Payton's preschool fundraiser this Sat. Two are ready to quilt, one needs to be sandwiched. 3 are for our new grandson. Thanks to all my quilting friends especially Doreen in Portland, Nellie & Grandma Jan in Hawaii.
Gramma Lynn

Monday, August 29, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

Wow! I just heard that U. Tulane Hosital and Charity Hospital are being evacuated by air. A 2 block area of the lake has washed away. The water was rising at 1 inch per 5 min. the first floor of Tulane Hospital is already under water. An executive of the hospital said that there are white caps in the water running down the street!!

I hope the person that bought our condo is OK. I'm certainly glad Cara is in Oregon!! This is like the one that was suppose to hit last year and Cara made it to Kevins. This is really sad. This morning I saw a newscaster broadcasting from the Sheraton where we stayed for Cara's graduation. He tried to go out on Canal street and had to crawl back to the covered area where we dropped off the car each night!! The upper windows of the tall buildings were being broken by flying debris.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Shopping with Payton

Yeaterday was a very full day. I spent the morning with Payton, her mom, and Aunty Lori shopping at the PX and commissary. Payton was in her usual good humor mood. She is sooo easy to take places. We ran in to Aunty Evelyn and Jodi's friend Kiadi (sp?). This was a great way to spend my morning. In the evening Bert and I went to a 50th birthday party. It was at an Italian restaurant by ward warehouse and they serve family style. The food was good but it was way too much. Needless to say I'm resting today since I'm subbing in a special ed preschool (3 year olds) class until Wed. Although tiring I've really enjoyed starting the year with them.

Thursday, August 18, 2005


I need to practice

I really don't understand all this blog stuff but I want to learn to use it so this is practice.

Payton's Favorite Game

Payton loves to play with her feet while she sits in her high chair.

Aloha Cara

Dr Cara was able to come home for 6 days and they went way too fast. She reports back to Providence Milwaukie this Sat. We will not see her again until April if she returns to Hawaii. I guess we may have to visit her. I find it hard to believe that she is really practicing medicine. It takes so long and then when is done it's almost unbelievable.

Our granddaughter Payton is growing up sooo fast!! Everyday there is something new she is doing. We are so happy she brought her mom and dad home to Hawaii.

I'm currently completing 2 quilts for our new twins Ethan and Elliott. They are 2 months younger than Payton.

Am I so Slow!

I don't know how to post to my own website. Maybe I'll get with the program since my daughter can't do it for me all the now.

Friday, June 03, 2005

It's beautiful

Cara finished...for now. Enjoy the links and the page and sign my guestbook!

My granddaughter

This is my granddaughter, Payton, at 4 months. She's adorable isn't she?

This is also my first attempt at blogging...actually, it's my smart daughter's experienced hand that's doing the deed at the other words, this may be the only post because I tend to forget about doing such things...I'm busy.